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The questions paper for MAHA TET are divided into five sections for paper-1 and four sections for paper-2.
Pedagogy and Child Development: The Child Development and Pedagogy section's questions are focused on educational psychology and the teaching-learning process of children aged 6 to 11 years for Paper-1 and the age group of 11 to 14 years for paper-2. The section covers concerns about special needs children as well as teaching methodologies for various courses.
The language I and II - The questions in this part are designed to assess applicants' linguistic and grammar skills. The difficulty level of the questions is determined by the curriculum for Classes 1–5 for paper-1 and Classes 6 to 8 for paper-2.
For paper-1: The questions in the Mathematics area are based on the subject's fundamental concepts, logic, problem solving, and pedagogical expertise. The difficulty level of the questions is determined by the curriculum for Classes 1–5.
For Paper-2: The Mathematics and Science part is worth 60 points. Mathematics receives 30 points and Science receives 30 points out of a total of 60 points. The questions concern the fundamentals of Science and Mathematics, problem-solving skills, mathematics and science instruction, and scientific understanding. The questions in the Social Science part are based on Social Science concepts, material, and pedagogical expertise. The difficulty level of the questions is determined by the curriculum for Classes 6–8.
Campus Study: The Campus Study questions will be based on the subject's history, civics, geography, general science, environment, and pedagogical knowledge. The difficulty level of the questions in this area is based on the curriculum for Classes 1–5 for Paper-1.
Q1. How long is the MAHA TET certificate valid?
Ans. The MAHA TET certificate is now permanent. The NCTE has extended the TET eligibility certificate's validity to indefinite.
Q2. What is the minimum age to take the MAHA TET exam?
Ans. There is no upper age limit for taking the Maharashtra TET test. Candidates of any age may apply for and take the MAHA TET test.
Q3. How many marks are needed to pass the MAHA TET exam?
Ans. To be considered for the position of teacher through the MAHA TET exam, candidates must obtain at least a 60% aggregate.
Q4. Will the MAHA TET cut-off be provided individually for the elementary and secondary levels?
Ans. Yes, the test authority will provide a different MAHA TET cut off for both levels.
Q5. How many MAHA TET tries are there?
Ans. There is no restriction to the number of times you can take the MAHA TET exam. Candidates may retake the test as many times as necessary to get the required results.
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