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The organization Science Olympiad Foundation conducts the two-levels of the exam. applicants of the Olympiad will be ranked on the basis of obtained marks in the exam. The applicants from classes 1 & 2 will not be required to take thissecond level of exam because the level 2 is only conducted for class 3 students. If you are looking for the comprehensive information about the NSO, then from here you can get detailed information. The below article will offer you the detail information like its eligibility, important dates, results, application procedure, and awards.
NSO is a national level competitive exam and conducts every year. Participating applicants in the Olympiad will be ranked on the basis of obtained marks in the exam. Only those applicants can able to apply for the NSO exam who have selected the convenient date for their exam and register for the exam 30 days before.
Particulars | Information |
Exam name | NSO (National Science Olympiad) |
Conducted by | Science Olympiad Foundation |
Frequency of the exam | Once in a year |
Nationality | India |
Eligibility Criteria | From Class 1 to class 12 |
NSO application fees | Rupees 125 |
Duration of exam | One hour |
Events | Important Dates |
Exam dates | November, 27, 2021, November, 28, 2021, December, 11,2021, December, 12, 2021, December 18 and 19, 2021 |
Answer key will be released on | Jan-22 |
Cut off of NSO | Will release in January 2022 |
Admit card | Feb-22 |
Stage 2 exam will be held | Feb-22 |
Stage 2 result | Mar-22 |
To fill the application form applicants need to follow the below steps:
Go to the official website of NSO
Click on the link of SSC Stenographer registration link.
Fill the registration form with all required details
Enter all the required details like personal as well as professional details.
Once the registration done, there will be registration ID and password generated and will be sent on the registered mobile number and email-id.
Log in again with using your login credentials and then fill the application form.
Fill in all mandatory details as per your documents.
Upload your scanned documents like photograph, signature
Check entered details before to Submit the Application Form.
The exam NSO will be conducted only in the participating schools and will be held only in school hours.
The NSO 2022 result will be announced within 8 weeks of the exam. The authority will send result to the concerned school and also available on the official website. Applicants can check their scores by using their roll number.
Ques: What is the NSO Exam Syllabus?
Ans:The syllabus of the NSO exam Olympiads will be prescribed by ICSE, CBSE, and multiple state boards.
Ques: Can less than 10 students register for the NSO exam 2022?
Ans:No, less than 10 students from any school will not able to apply or appear in the NSO exam 2022.
Ques: Can a student appear again for the exam if they appeared for the wile in lower classed?
Ans:Yes, applicants will able to appear in the exam again to improve their previous year rankings.
Ques: What will be the registration fees of NSO?
Ans:The application fee will be Rupees 125 for each and every applicant. And It will be same for all category students.
Ques: How a student can get NSO admit card?
Ans:Applicants can get their admit card from their respective school because the authority will be given the admit card to the school. The admit card contains roll number, Exam Date and Exam Time.
NSO will be conducted into two levels: Level 1 and Level 2.
There is no specific eligibility criteria for this level of exam. aspiring applicants from Class 1 to Class 12 can apply.
Only those applicants who performed in the Level 1 exam can apply for the Level 2 exam. Follow the applicants will be eligible for the exam:
Top 5% applicants from each class who appeared for the level 1 exam
Top 25 zone wise rank holders from the each class
Topper of the class from each participating school
Applicants need to score 50% qualifying marks
The NSO syllabus is not very hard. 60% of syllabus from the current syllabus while rest of 40% questions from the previous classes. for level II along with the Achievers section, all the questions will be followed with the present class
There are 35 questions will be asked in the question paper from class 1 to IV
Remaining 50 questions for classes V to XII
The time duration of the exam will be one hour
There are objective type questions in the exam
There are three parts in the paper:
The Achiever’s section
Computer and Information technology
Logical Thinking
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