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Candidates who are interested in taking the CTET exam should review the cities where the exam will be held. Along with the notice, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) provided a list of CTET exam centres. According to the revised list of CTET exam centres, CBSE has included 106 new locations where the exam would be held. The total number of CTET exam centres now stands at 218. Previously, CTET had 111 exam centres. Candidates can select CTET exam centres when filling out the CTET application form. Candidates should be aware that after a CTET exam centre has been set, the CBSE will not entertain any requests to change it. If the CBSE finds that there are insufficient candidates at a particular test centre, the exam may be rescheduled to a test centre in the candidate's second, third, or fourth preference city.
Q1. When will the CTET admit card for the year be available?
Ans. The CTET admit card will be available on the official website in the near future.
Q2. How many times can you take the CTET exam?
Ans. There is no restriction to how many times you can take the CTET exam. To improve their marks, candidates can take the CTET exam as many times as they desire.
Q3. Does the CTET exam take place online?
Ans. Yes, the CTET exam will now be administered online as a computer-based test.
Q4. Can I take CTET paper 1 and paper 2 during separate exam cycles?
Ans. Yes, you can take CTET papers 1 and 2 throughout separate exam cycles.
Q5. Will the CTET exam have any negative marking?
Ans. The CTET exam does not have any negative grading. Candidates receive one mark for each correct answer, with no deductions for incorrect responses or questions not attempted.
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