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The eligibility criteria of NEET exam will be depend on various factors:
Ques: Is the NEET exam will be held as per the provided schedule by the authority?
Ans: The NEET exam schedule might be changed due to this ongoing pandemic.
Ques: When the NEET exam will be organized?
Ans: The NEET exam will be organized in the month of May, 2022.
Ques: In which mode the NEET exam will going to be conduct?
Ans: The NEET exam will be held through offline mode.
Ques: What will be the marking pattern of the NEET exam ?
Ans: As per the authority, four marks will be awarded for every right answer while 1 mark will be deducted for incorrect answer.
Ques: Can an applicant change their center city after the seal allotment and roll number?
Ans: No, there will be no changes allowed to any candidate after the roll number allotment. This is why, it is advisable that applicants need to be careful while filling their application form.
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