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Best Education Loan Providers in India

Best Education Loan Providers in India

Opting for a good education can be the opening for lots of opportunities and success in life. Lots of students also decide to go outside from their hometown or abroad for higher education.  


Going outcomes with many living expenses like university fees, food & groceries, Cost of living, Transport fees, Books and course materials, mobile phone bills, and many more.


In the current scenario, the cost of education along with the living expenses is a big worry for the students. That is where an educational loan is very helpful for the candidates.


So we will help you and provide you the list of Top Education Loans Providers in India for Study Abroad


But before that we want you to check, what CollegeTour education loan facility is offering students to study abroad for Higher Studies.


You can apply for the CollegeTour education loan facility from the given below simple steps:-
Step 1 - Apply by filling out the query form or call us at 9625266808
Step 2 - On-the-spot approval and instant support from our loan advisors
Step 3 - Loan will be paid to your institute which you can repay in flexible EMIs
Step 4 - Loan Approval


List of Top Education Loans Providers for both India and Study Abroad 

State Bank of India - Student Loan Scheme


Maximum Amount Tenure of the Loan Margin Requirement Rate of Interest Processing Fee Charged
Rs 20 lakhs 15 yrs excluding moratorium of 1 yr For loans up to Rs 4 lakh -Nil Above 4 lakh- 5% for studies in India or 15% for studies abroad 10.05% fixed Nil for loans upto Rs 20L



Maximum Amount Tenure of the Loan Margin Requirement Rate of Interest Processing Fee Charged
Rs 20 lakhs Up to 15 yrs excluding moratorium of 1 yr For loans up to Rs 4 lakh -Nil Above 4 lakh- 5% for studies in India or 15% for studies abroad 9.55 -13.25% Rs 1000 or 1% of the loan, whichever is higher



For Undergraduate Degree Course


Maximum Amount Tenure of the Loan Margin Requirement Rate of Interest Processing Fee Charged
Rs 50 lakh for courses in India and Rs 1 crore for those abroad 5yrs for loans without collateral and 7yrs with collateral No margin for loans up to Rs 20 lakh. 5-15% for those above Rs 20lakh Starts from 11.75% 1% of the loan amount plus taxes


For Postgraduate Degree Course


Maximum Amount Tenure of the Loan Margin Requirement Rate of Interest Processing Fee Charged
Rs 50 lakh for courses in India and Rs 1 crore for those abroad 6yrs for loans without collateral and 8yrs with collateral No margin for loans up to Rs 20 lakh. 5-15% for those above Rs 20lakh Starts from 11.25% 1% of the loan amount plus taxes

Axis Bank


Variant Maximum Amount Tenure of the Loan
PRIME ABROAD Rs 40 lakh 15 years
PRIME DOMESTIC Rs 40 lakh 15 years
Loan for working professionals Rs 20 lakh 10 years

Top Indian NBFCs Providing Education Loan for Study Abroad:

NBFCs- Non-Banking Financial Companies are doing business of loans and advances, acquisition of shares/ stocks/ bonds/ debentures/ securities that Government or other marketable securities or local authority issue for the hire-purchase, chit business, insurance business, etc. NBFCs have been registered under the Companies Act, 1956.


Given below are some of the Top Indian NBFCs which are Providing Education loans for Study Abroad:-

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