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Kerala University Common Admission Test


Quantitative Ability: Problems on Trains, Time and Distance, Ratio and Proportion, Time and Work Partnership, Problems on Numbers, Boats and Streams, Volumes, Compound Interest, Odd Man Out, Profit and Loss, Numbers and Ages, Races and Games, Percentages, Mixtures and Allegations, Simple Interest, Simple Equations, Averages, Areas, Pipes and Cisterns, Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F, Indices, and Surds, Quadratic Equations, Probability, Permutations and Combinations, Mensuration, and Simplification and Approximation.

Data Interpretation: Interpretation and analysis of data based on text,  Charts (column, bar, pie), Tables, graphs (line, area), Venn diagram, etc.

General Awareness: Authors, Current Affairs, Abbreviations, International & National Organizations, General Science, Environment, Indian Economy, Budget, General Knowledge, Awards, History, Geography.

Logical Reasoning: Non-Verbal Reasoning, Puzzles, and Analytical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Data Sufficiency.


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