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Ques: Can an applicant submit their application fees through offline mode?
Ans: Yes, the LPU NEST application fees can be submitted through either offline or online mode.
Ques: Will there any kind of negative marking for wrong answer?
Ans: No, there won’t any kind of negative marking for wrong answer.
Ques: How many total session will be there for the entrance exam?
Ans: There will be three different sessions in the LPU NEST entrance exam.
Ques: It is mandatory for a candidate to apply for all three sessions in the LPU NEST exam 2022?
Ans: Yes, applicants can apply for all three sessions for the LPU NEST entrance exam 2022.
Ques: Can candidate edit their application form after the final submission of LPU NEST application form?
Ans: No, as per the authority there won’t be any type correction allowed once applicants fill their application form.
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