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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

Exam Paper

There are 29 exam papers available in the Gate exam.

GATE Paper Code GATE Paper Code
Aerospace Engineering AE Instrumentation Engineering IN
Agricultural Engineering AG Mathematics MA
Architecture and Planning (New Pattern) AR Mechanical Engineering ME
Biomedical Engineering BM Mining Engineering MN
Biotechnology BT Metallurgical Engineering MT
Civil Engineering CE Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (New Paper) NM
Chemical Engineering CH Petroleum Engineering PE
Computer Science and Information Technology CS Physics PH
Chemistry CY Production and Industrial Engineering PI
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC Statistics ST
Electrical Engineering EE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science TF
Environmental Science & Engineering ES Engineering Sciences XE
Ecology and Evolution EY Humanities & Social Sciences XH
Geomatics Engineering (New Paper) GE Life Sciences XL
Geology and Geophysics GG    


Ques: What will be the application fees of GATE Exam?
The application fees of GATE exam is divided into three parts:

  • For Female applicants, the application fee will be Rupees 750
  • For reserved category or PWD the application fee will be Rupees 750
  • For other applicants the application fee will be Rupees 1500


Ques: Is there any chances to GATE Exam will be postponed?
No, as per the previous year there is no possibility that the exam will be postponed. 


Ques: Can an applicant apply for the GATE exam now?
No, aspiring applicants can only fill their application form when the application form will be opned by the authority. Make sure, they need to fill their application form before last date.


Ques: when the GATE exam admit card will be released?
Once the form is submitted successfully then applicants can download their admit card by visiting the official webiste.


Ques: Who will be conducting the GATE Exam?
IIT Kharagpur will be the conducting body to conduct the GATE exam. Each year the exam is conducted by different IIT’s.

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