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Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test

Exam Pattern

The TANCET MBA examination is structured with a question paper that includes 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Answering correctly to each of these MCQs will grant the candidate a maximum of one mark each. However, it's important to note that 1/3rd of the total marks will be deducted for every incorrect response provided. Here's a quick outline of the TANCET MBA exam format.

TANCET Test Structure Elements
Duration of Test 2 hours
Mode of Examination  Offline
Number of sections Five (5) sections, namely,
- Business Situations
- Quantitative Ability
- Reading Comprehension
- Data Sufficiency
- English Usage
Total Number marks 100
Marks assigned to each section 20
Negative marks -1/3 marks for each incorrect response
Medium of Exam English, and Tamil


Ques. Who is the organizer of the TANCET examination?
Anna University annually conducts the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) to facilitate admissions into MBA and MCA courses. Candidates sitting for TANCET can aim for more than 250 MBA colleges within Tamil Nadu. University Departments, Constituent colleges of Anna University, Annamalai University, Government and Government Aided Colleges, as well as Self-Financing Colleges within Tamil Nadu, acknowledge TANCET scores as valid criteria for admission into their MBA and MCA programs.

Ques. In the event that you misplace your TANCET 2023 hall ticket, what actions are recommended?
If an applicant misplaces their TANCET hall ticket, they are required to send a written request to the officials. This request should include a Demand Draft (DD) of Rs 100, payable to The Secretary (TANCET), Anna University, situated in Chennai – 600 025. Upon receiving the request, the officials will subsequently issue a duplicate hall ticket.

Ques. What is the cost of the application fee for the TANCET examination?
For General & OBC category candidates, the fee is Rs. 600/-.
For SC/ST category candidates, the fee is Rs. 300/-.

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