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The New India Assurance Company Limited Assistant Exam


NIACL stands for New India Assurance Company Limited which aims at making recruitment for various job posts of Administrative Officer recruitment under the NIACL AO Recruitment 2022. Applicants those who wish to apply for this exam should need to apply for this exam must have to completed their graduation degree can appear in the NIACL exam. There are multiple things which aapplicant should know, for instance, check the the application process, Syllabus, admit card, eligibility criteria, exam result info, and the list is endless from the below article. 

Highlights of NIACL Exam 2022

Particulars  Information 
Exam name NIACL
Full form of NIACL New India Assurance Company Limited
Known as NIACL AO (Administrative Officer)
Conducted by NIACL
Application mode Through online
Exam mode Through online
Stages of exam Three
Job profiles NIACL AO Specialist
NIACL AO Generalist

Important Dates of NIACL Exam 2022

Events  Important Dates
Official notification of NIACL Dec-21
Online application form starts from Jan-22
Last date to fill the application form January- February 2022
Last date to pay the application fees January- February 2022
Exam date for Prelims To be announced soon
Exam date for Mains To be announced soon
Downloading date of admit card To be announced soon
Result declaration date of NIACL To be announced soon


Eligibility Criteria of NIACL Exam 2022
Candidates must have Graduation degree or PG degree from any discipline from the recognized institute or university. 
Make sure applicants should have 60% aggregate marks for General category and 55% marks for reserved category applicants
Candidates should have age limit between 21 to 30 years
Candidates should have Indian Citizenship    

Application Form of NIACL Exam 2022
Follow the below steps to fill the application form of NIACL application form: 
Go to the official webiste and click on the New Registration link
Enter the required details in the application form
Check all entered details before to proceed the next step
Upload your scanned documents like signature and photograph
In last step pay the NIACL application fees through Net Banking/ Debit or Credit card
Take the clear print out of your application form

Syllabus of NIACL Exam 2022
The NIACL exam has vast syllabus and includes various subjects like English, Reasoning Skills, Quantitative Ability, Computer Knowledge, etc. 
English Language: 
Cloze Test, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Improvement, Spotting Errors, Fillers, Para Jumbles, Para Completion
Quantitative Ability:
Sequence & Series, Data Interpretation, Approximation, Simplification, Arithmetic, Probability, Quadratic Equations, Data Sufficiency
Logical Reasoning:
Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Syllogism, Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Data Sufficiency, Input-Output, Verbal Reasoning, Miscellaneous
Computer Knowledge:
Computer Shortcuts, History of Computer, Fundamentals of Computer, MS Office, Internet, Input-Output devices, Memory, Important Abbreviations

Exam Pattern of NIACL Exam 2022
The NIACL exam will be conducted into two levels one is Prelims and other is Mains. 
The exam duration for Prelims exam will be one hour

For Mains exam the duration will be two hours
There are three sections in the Prelims exam English, Quantitative Ability, and Logical Reasoning
For each section the time duration will be 20 minutes
There are five sections in the Mains exam i.e. Computer, General Awareness, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Ability, and English.
There are 40 questions in each section
The question paper contains 200 questions

Exam Papers of NIACL Exam 2022
There are two papers in the NIACL exam 2022 one is Prelims and other is Mains. 
In Prelims exam there will be 100 questions
In Mains exam there will be 200 questions

Exam Centers of NIACL Exam 2022
Both Prelims and Mains exam will be held into different cities of India. Applicants can get detailed knowledge about exam centers at the time of filling application form. There will be separated list of NIACL exam centers for Prelims as well as Mains exam. 

Cut off of NIACL Exam 2018
The Prelims exam cut off is given below: 

Category  T1 T2 T3
  English language Logical Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude
For General 14.75 16.25 17.75
For OBC, ST, SC, and Ex- Serviceman 11 11 13.5


Selection Process of NIACL Exam 2022
The selection process of NIACL exam will be based on three stages
Stage 1: candidates need to clear the Prelims exam 
Stage 2: Applicants also need to clear the Mains exam
Stage 3: After clearing the Prelims and Mains exam, candidates need to clear the Interview round.

Ques: Does NIACL recruit Female applicants?
Yes, there is no barrier in gender under the NIACL. Both Male as well as Female applicants can apply for the NIACL exam.
Ques: Are the Prelims exam marks added in the final result of NIACL exam?
No, the marks of Prelims exam are just for the selection or rejection of the applicants.
Ques: Is there any sectional cutoff in the NIACL Mains Exam?
Yes, there will be sectional cutoff for each section. Applicants need to clear each section to get selected in the NIACL exam.
Ques: Does the NIACL offer accommodation to its employees?
Yes, NIACL also offer accommodation for its employees.
Ques: How many stages are available in the NIACL exam?
There are three stages in the NIACL exam.


Candidates must have Graduation degree or PG degree from any discipline from the recognized institute or university. 
Make sure applicants should have 60% aggregate marks for General category and 55% marks for reserved category applicants
Candidates should have age limit between 21 to 30 years
Candidates should have Indian Citizenship    



The NIACL exam has vast syllabus and includes various subjects like English, Reasoning Skills, Quantitative Ability, Computer Knowledge, etc. 

English Language: 
Cloze Test, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Improvement, Spotting Errors, Fillers, Para Jumbles, Para Completion

Quantitative Ability:
Sequence & Series, Data Interpretation, Approximation, Simplification, Arithmetic, Probability, Quadratic Equations, Data Sufficiency

Logical Reasoning:
Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Syllogism, Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Data Sufficiency, Input-Output, Verbal Reasoning, Miscellaneous

Computer Knowledge:
Computer Shortcuts, History of Computer, Fundamentals of Computer, MS Office, Internet, Input-Output devices, Memory, Important Abbreviations

Exam Pattern

The NIACL exam will be conducted into two levels one is Prelims and other is Mains. 
The exam duration for Prelims exam will be one hour

For Mains exam the duration will be two hours
There are three sections in the Prelims exam English, Quantitative Ability, and Logical Reasoning
For each section the time duration will be 20 minutes
There are five sections in the Mains exam i.e. Computer, General Awareness, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Ability, and English.
There are 40 questions in each section
The question paper contains 200 questions

Exam Paper

There are two papers in the NIACL exam 2022 one is Prelims and other is Mains. 
In Prelims exam there will be 100 questions
In Mains exam there will be 200 questions


Exam Prepare

Syllabus of NIACL Exam 2022
The NIACL exam has vast syllabus and includes various subjects like English, Reasoning Skills, Quantitative Ability, Computer Knowledge, etc. 

English Language: 
Cloze Test, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Improvement, Spotting Errors, Fillers, Para Jumbles, Para Completion

Quantitative Ability:
Sequence & Series, Data Interpretation, Approximation, Simplification, Arithmetic, Probability, Quadratic Equations, Data Sufficiency

Logical Reasoning:
Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Syllogism, Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Data Sufficiency, Input-Output, Verbal Reasoning, Miscellaneous

Computer Knowledge:
Computer Shortcuts, History of Computer, Fundamentals of Computer, MS Office, Internet, Input-Output devices, Memory, Important Abbreviations

Exam Pattern of NIACL Exam 2022
The NIACL exam will be conducted into two levels one is Prelims and other is Mains. 
The exam duration for Prelims exam will be one hour

For Mains exam the duration will be two hours
There are three sections in the Prelims exam English, Quantitative Ability, and Logical Reasoning
For each section the time duration will be 20 minutes
There are five sections in the Mains exam i.e. Computer, General Awareness, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Ability, and English.
There are 40 questions in each section
The question paper contains 200 questions


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