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National Aptitude Test in Architecture


The authorities conducting the NATA exam have announced the eligibility criteria through the official release. So, when you're contemplating NATA, some things to ponder are the qualifications you hold, the score you've accrued, and the age limit you should fall under. It's always wise to review the NATA eligibility conditions before filling in the online application form.

  • Qualifying Examination: First off, you must have completed your 10+2 or an equivalent exam, or hold a diploma in Maths.
  • Qualifying Marks: Secondly, you should have scored a minimum of 50 percent marks in your 10+2 or diploma.
  • Age Limit: Finally, you need to be at least 17 years old.


Ques1. Can anyone tell me how NATA 2023 will be conducted?
The NATA 2023 exams for Phase I, II, and III are all run online and are computer-based. 

Ques2. Could you please tell me which documents I need to upload when I'm completing the NATA 2023 application form?
The authorities ask you as a candidate to upload scanned versions of your photograph and signature. Remember to follow the specifications they've given.

Ques3. Do you know what the cost is to apply for NATA 2023?
Just to give you a heads up on the NATA application fees:

  • Male applicants, belonging to the general and OBC categories, it's INR 2000.
  • Regardless of the category, if you're a female applicant or transgender, it's INR 1500.
  • Also, male applicants from SC/ST have to pay INR 1500 too.


Ques4. Could you tell me about the grading system for NATA?
The NATA exam paper will have 125 questions in total. Each question is going to be either 1, 2, or 3 marks, and this depends on how tough the question is. So here's the breakdown:

  • 75 questions, each worth 1 mark
  • 25 questions, each worth 2 marks
  • 25 questions, each worth 3 marks
  • This gives you a maximum of 200 marks to aim for in the NATA 2023. 
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