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Recently IBPS has revised its clerk exam pattern. For the prelims exam, there are 30 questions of English, 35 questions for Numerical Ability, and 35 questions for Reasoning Ability. One hour is the total time duration for the IBPS clerk exam. Each question is of 1 mark only, so the total marks for this exam is 100. To move for the IBPS Mains exam, the candidate has to secure a sectional cut-off and overall IBPS clerk cut off.
For the IBPS clerk mains exam pattern there are 4 subjects. In the main question paper, there are 50 questions for General/ Financial awareness, 40 questions for the English language, 60 questions for Reasoning and computer aptitude, and 50 questions for Quantitative aptitude. The total time duration of the preliminary exam is 160 minutes. The question paper is available in English or Hindi language.
In question paper, there is negative marking for the wrong answers. For each question, ¼ of marks will cut. The candidate also has to go through the previous year question papers and prepare themselves accordingly.
Ques: What is the average salary of an IBPS clerk?
Ans: The IBPS Clerk basic pay salary is Rupees 11765.
Ques: What are the roles &responsibilities of a clerk?
Ans: The job responsibility of an IBPS clerk including the documentation and do back-office work. They need to do verify documents, countersigning the cheques and drafts.
Ques: After passing the 12th, can a candidate apply for the IBPS clerk exam?
Ans: No, a candidate must have an undergraduate degree from a recognized university. If a candidate has only intermediate degree then they cannot apply for the IBPS clerk exam.
Ques: How many attempts for IBPS clerk exam?
Ans: IBPS does not provide any information about attempts, as there is no fixed number of attempts available for the IBPS clerk exam. Only a candidate has eligibility criteria for appearing in this exam.
Ques: Is there any type of negative marking in the question papaer?
Ans: Yes, there is ¼ marks will be cut for the wrong answer, so the candidate must be very careful while they are answering their questions.
Ques: What is the application fee of the IBPS clerk entrance exam?
Ans: The application fee for unreserved (general and OBC) candidates is rupees 850. And the fee for PWD/SC/ ST categories is rupees 175.
Ques: How a candidate can apply for the IBPS Clerk exam?
Ans: Aspirants who wish to apply for the IBPS clerk exam, then they need to apply online on the official website.
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