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New Trends in Indian Education System


From the age of development till now India has made a drastic change in its educational system. The Government of India is trying really hard to provide quality education in a convenient way. So, today in this article we will be seeing the top 5 new trends that have taken place in Indian Education Systems. So let us now start with that. There are changes taking place in the Indian educational system. Institutions now make an effort to focus on the holistic development of the students; "gurukuls" and an emphasis on rote learning are no longer practiced. The emphasis on cognitive development over memorization began to gain traction in popular culture, which gradually caused this transition.


Universities are now offering MBAs in hospital administration, and India's best business schools are still drawing large crowds, which is contributing to the country's developing educational scene. It doesn't end there. A PGDM in banking and financial services, a marketing management degree, and an M.Sc. in big data analytics are now options for students in India.


Maker education

The maker movement is quickly taking off in K–12 institutions all around America. The foundation of maker learning is the notion that you can get kids interested in learning by supporting task-driven problem-solving and practical activities (i.e., learning by doing). Students identify issues, come up with ideas for solutions, create prototypes, and keep tinkering until they come up with something that makes sense in collaborative environments. It's a self-directed instructional strategy that emphasizes incremental trial and error and sees failure as a chance to progress.


Maker education places more emphasis on learning than instruction. Students experiment with their own ideas and follow their interests. For instance, that might entail developing a video game, constructing a rocket, crafting period-appropriate clothing, or 3D-printing a garden irrigation system.


On the maker trend, there is not a lot of concrete information. However, Rutgers University academics are currently examining the cognitive underpinnings of maker education and looking into how it relates to meaningful learning.


Getting rid of letter grades

The traditional student assessment frameworks, in the opinion of many education supporters, place an excessive emphasis on testing and standardization. They believe that many of the most valued abilities in the workforce of the twenty-first century, such as problem-solving, self-advocacy, and creativity, are not well measured by conventional grading schemes. A-F letter grades are therefore being replaced by new assessment systems in an increasing number of schools across the United States.


The Mastery Transcript Consortium, a coalition of more than 150 private high schools, was established in 2017 with the goal of replacing grade-based transcripts with digital ones that offer qualitative summaries of student learning and examples of student work.


Report cards may include language like "partially meets the standard" or "exceeds the standard" in place of letter grades. Portfolios, capstone projects, and other examples of student learning are also used in some schools.


But what occurs when it's time to submit a college application? It appears that even academic institutions are joining in. Students with competency-based credentials won't be penalized during the admissions process, according to at least 75 colleges and universities in New England, including Dartmouth and Harvard.


The development of micro-credentials

Micro-credentials, also known as digital badges or nano degrees, are brief qualifications that show a student's proficiency in a particular subject. Micro-credentials can be obtained through brief, focused education that focuses on specific talents in particular sectors, as opposed to typical college degrees that call for studying a variety of courses over a long period of time. They are typically taken online and are typically cheap (and perhaps even free).


While some post-secondary institutions are creating joint ventures to offer micro-credentials with independent learning providers, other institutions provide these services on their own. One study claims that 70% of schools of higher learning provide some kind of alternative certification.


Micro-credentials can demonstrate that students have mastered a certain skill, but their level of rigor and market value might differ greatly. Nevertheless, they are a more and more well-liked method of unbundling information and offering it on demand.


Transformed classrooms

More and more educational institutions are embracing the idea of flipped learning. It's a method of teaching that differs from the conventional one, which entails the teacher delivering a lecture in front of the class before sending the students home to complete tasks that would help them better understand the concepts. In flipped learning, pupils prepare for class by watching lecture videos or reading pertinent readings. During class, students work together on group projects and collaborative learning activities to further their understanding of the content. When questions or issues emerge, the lecturer is available to help the class.


Flipped learning can have a variety of advantages, provided that all students have access to the right technology and are motivated to prepare for each class session.


Watching class videos at their own pace, pausing to take notes, or replaying any unclear passages, for instance, enables students to take charge of their own education. Additionally, the paradigm promotes peer learning and in-depth subject exploration.


Flipped learning is becoming more common at all educational levels, but it is particularly common in higher education. In a 2017 survey, 61% of college professors said they have employed the flipped model in some capacity or another in all of their lectures, while another 24% said they were contemplating doing so.


Learning about social and emotional issues

An increasing body of research supports the idea that schools are in charge of promoting children's cognitive and social growth. The purpose of social-emotional learning (SEL) is to assist students in acquiring skills that will enable them to recognize their strengths, control their emotions, set goals, demonstrate empathy, make wise decisions, and create and sustain healthy relationships. These abilities are crucial for lowering antisocial behavior, increasing academic achievement, and enhancing long-term health, according to research.


SEL competencies for preschoolers have been developed in every state. There are an increasing number of states with such requirements for higher grades.

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