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Tamil Nadu, Madurai University | 1971 CT Verified


Madurai Kamaraj University Distance Education (MKU DDE) Madurai, Tamil Nadu was established in the year 1971. Madurai Kamaraj University Distance learning offers distance programs that are approved by UGC (University Grants Commission).

Distance Degree programs that are offered by Madurai Kamaraj University Distance Education are 50 Under-graduate, Post-graduate programs in the field of Commerce, Arts, Science, and Education.

Top Courses & Fees

  • MBA
    Duration: 2Y
  • BBA
    Duration: 3Y
  • MCA
    Duration: 2Y
  • BCA
    Duration: 3Y
  • B.Sc
    Duration: 3Y
  • M.Sc
    Duration: 2Y
  • BCom
    Duration: 3Y
  • M.Com
    Duration: 2Y
  • BA
    Duration: 3Y
  • MA
    Duration: 2Y
  • B. Lib
    Duration: 1Y
  • M.Lis
    Duration: 1Y
  • B.Ed
    Duration: 2Y
  • PGD
    Duration: 2Y
  • Given below the list of Madurai Kamaraj University Distance Learning courses:-

    Under Graduate Programs Post Graduate Programs
    B.A. History M.A. History
    B.A. Political Science M.A. Political Science
    B.A. Tamil Literature M.A. Public Administration
    B.Litt. (Tamil) M.A. Sociology
    B.A. English Literature M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication (2 years)
    B.A. Economics M.A. Economics
    B.A. Journalism and Mass Communication M.A. English Literature
    B.A. Public Administration M.A. Tamil Literature
    B.A Sociology M.A. (Tourism Management - 2 years)
    B.B.A. M.Com.(Group A)
    B.B.A. Computer Application M.Com.(Group B)
    B.B.A. (Retail) M.Com. (Banking)
    B.C.A. (Regular - 3 years) M.Com.(Co-operative Management)
    B.Com. M.Com. (Marketing)
    B.Com. Computer Applications (3 years) M.Com. (Finance)
    B.Com. (Information Technology) M.Com. (Computer Application)
    B.Sc. Chemistry M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration)
    B.Sc. Physics M.B.A. (Financial Management)
    B.Sc. Botany M.B.A. (International Business Management)
    B.Sc. Zoology M.B.A. (Logistic and Supply chain Management)
    B.Sc. Microbiology M.B.A. (Human Resource Management)
    B.Sc. Computer Science M.B.A. (Marketing Management)
    B.Sc. Psychology M.B.A. (Operations and Project Management)
    B.Sc. Visual Communication M.B.A. (Retail Management)
    B.Sc.Tourism & Hospitality Management (3 years) M.B.A. (System Management)
    B.Sc M.B.A. (Airline and Airport Management)
    B.Lib.Sc. (1 year)  M.B.A. (Hospital Management)
    B.Ed. (2 years) M.B.A. (Tourism and Hotel Management)
    Diploma Programs M.C.A. (2 years)
    Saiva Siddhantha M.Sc. Mathematics
    Communicative and Functional English M.Sc. Physics
    Yoga M.Sc. Chemistry
    Child Care and Creche Management M.Sc. Botany
    Disaster Management M.Sc. Zoology
    Computer Animation M.Sc. Psychology
    Digital Pre-press M.Sc. Computer science
    Computer Application M.Sc. Electronics & Communication
    Catering Operation M.Sc. Visual & Communication
    Front Office and Accommodation Management M.Lib.Sc. (1 year)
    Food and Beverage Service Tamil & English
    Astronomy and AstroPhysics Certificate Programs
    French French
    Pisiculture Library & Information Science
    Medical Laboratory Techniques & Management Child Psychology
    Forensic Biology Sericulture
    Recombinant DNA Technology Mushroom Culture
    Human Genetic Disorders Vermiculture
    Plant Tissue Culture and Nursery Technology Safety in Research and Clinical Laboratories
    Water Quality Assessment Gene Silencing
    School Administration Communicative English
      Nano Biology


    Madurai Kamaraj University DDE Fee Structure:

    Given below the Madurai Kamaraj University Distance learning courses fee:-

    Programs Annual Fees (Approx.)
    B.Ed 18,500 
    MBA 15,000 
    BBA 3,000
    M.Sc 15,000 
    B.Sc 7,000
    M.A 3,000 
    BA 2,500 
    M.Com 4,000
    B.Com 4,000
    MCA 15,000
    BCA 10,000
    B.Lib.I.Sc 6,000 (Total Fees)


Follow the given below online and offline admission procedure for the Madurai Kamaraj University Distance Education and Online Learning:-

Required Documents

  • Class 10th mark sheet and certificate (Self Attested)
  • Class 12th mark sheet and certificate (Self Attested)
  • Graduation mark sheet and certificate (Self Attested)
  • Two recent passport size photos
  • Aadhar Card

Online Mode

  • Firstly visit the official website – MKU DDE
  • Before starting with the application, you must all the instructions/ prospectus carefully
  • If you want to apply for more than one program, then separate application forms will be required
  • Fill in the form with all the required details
  • After filling all the details in the form pay MKU DDE application fee via DD (Demand Draft) in the favor of “Directorate of Distance Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.”

Offline Mode

  • You can get the MKU DDE application form by visiting the campus office
  • If you want to apply for more than one program, then separate application forms will be required
  • Fill in the form with all the required details
  • After filling all the details in the form pay MKU DDE application fee via DD (Demand Draft) in the favor of “Directorate of Distance Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.”

Madurai Kamaraj University DDE Important Dates:

EVENT DATE (Tentative)
MKU DDE Admission 2022 April, 2022


Madurai Kamaraj University DDE Eligibility Criteria

Given below the Madurai Kamaraj University Open Learning Eligibility Criteria:-

Programs Eligibility Criteria
Under Graduate Programs
B.A. History You must have cleared class 10th and 12th
B.C.A. (Regular - 3 years)
B.Litt. (Tamil)
Post Graduate Programs
M.A.  You must have done Graduation degree
M.A. English Literature You must have done Graduation Degree with English in Part I or Part II or Part III
M.A. Tamil Literature You must have done Graduation Degree with Tamil in Part I or Part II or Part III OR B.Lit.
M.A. (Tourism Management - 2 years) You must have done Graduation Degree / 3-year Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technology
M.Com.(Group A) You must have done B.Com. / B.B.A. / B.A. CS / C.A. / C.A.I.I.B. / A.I.C.W.A. / A.C.S.
M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) You must have done Graduation degree
M.C.A. (2 years) You must have done Graduation Degree with Mathematics at +2 level
M.Sc.  You must have done B.Sc.
M.Lib.Sc. (1 year) You must have done B.L.I.Sc.
Post Graduate Diploma Programs
Post Graduate Diploma You must have done graduation degree
Diploma Programs
Saiva Siddhantha You must have cleared class 10th and 12th or any other equivalent exam
Communicative and Functional English
Child Care and Creche Management
Disaster Management
Computer Animation
Digital Pre-press
Computer Application
Catering Operation
Front Office and Accommodation Management
Food and Beverage Service
Astronomy and AstroPhysics
French You must have cleared class 10th and 12th with Certificate in French
Pisiculture You must have cleared class 10th and 12th or any other equivalent exam
Medical Laboratory Techniques & Management
Forensic Biology
Recombinant DNA Technology
Human Genetic Disorders You must have done B.Sc.
Plant Tissue Culture and Nursery Technology You must have cleared class 10th and 12th or any other equivalent exam
Water Quality Assessment
School Administration
Certificate Programs
French You must have cleared class 10th and 12th 
Library & Information Science
Child Psychology
Mushroom Culture
Safety in Research and Clinical Laboratories
Gene Silencing
Communicative English
Nano Biology


Library Wi-Fi Parking Boys Hostels BIOMATRIC CHECKING SYSTEM Tuck Shops Indoor/Outdoor games Earn while you learn Yoga and Meditation Sports


Ques. Does Madurai Kamaraj University Directorate of Distance Education is approved by UGC?
Yes, Madurai Kamaraj University Directorate of Distance Education is approved by UGC (University Grants Commission).


Ques. What is the Madurai Kamaraj University Directorate of Distance Education distance Post Graduate programs offered?
Given below the Madurai Kamaraj University Directorate of Distance Education distance Post Graduate programs:-

  • M.A.
  • M.Com.
  • M.B.A. 
  • M.Sc. 
  • M.C.A. 
  • M.Lib.Sc


Ques. What are programs offered by the Madurai Kamaraj University Directorate of Distance Education?
Programs that are offered by the Madurai Kamaraj University Directorate of Distance Education are 50 Under-graduate, Post-graduate programs in the field of Commerce, Arts, Science and Education.


Ques. What are the specializations and eligibility criteria of MKU Directorate of Distance Education MA program?
Given below the MKU Directorate of Distance Education MA program specializations and eligibility:-

Programs Eligibility Criteria
M.A. History You must have done Graduation degree
M.A. Political Science
M.A. Public Administration
M.A. Sociology You must have done Graduation Degree (Except Commerce)
M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication (2 years) You must have done Graduation degree
M.A. Economics
M.A. English Literature You must have done Graduation Degree with English in Part I or Part II or Part III
M.A. Tamil Literature You must have done Graduation Degree with Tamil in Part I or Part II or Part III OR B.Lit.
M.A. (Tourism Management - 2 years) You must have done Graduation Degree / 3-year Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technology


Madurai Kamaraj University DDE Review and Ranking:

Madurai Kamaraj University Distance Education provides internship and job placement to all the students studying here. The placement cell of the Madurai Kamaraj University is associated with many of well-known companies.


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