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Union Public Service Commission Indian Forest Service Exam


Ques. Who is eligible to take the UPSC IFoS Examinations?
The Indian Forest Service (IFoS) exam is taken by the Union Public Service Commission. The official notification of the UPSC IFoS exam has been issued for almost 110 vacant posts.

Ques. How much weight does the UPSC IFoS Interview round carry?
After completing the Mains examination, eligible candidates will be called for an interview session, which is conducted for a total of 300 marks. Subsequently, these candidates will undergo a physical examination.

Ques. Does the Stage 1 Prelims of the Indian Forest Service (IFoS) serve as a qualifying round?
Indeed, the Preliminary examination serves as a qualifying assessment, and this is true for both the UPSC IFoS and UPSC IAS Prelims exams. They consist of two papers - GS I and CSAT, both of which feature objective questions. Additionally, each item in the General Studies paper is allocated 2 marks.

Ques. What are the necessary educational qualifications to qualify for the Indian Forest Services?
To be eligible to apply for the IFoS exam, the candidates are required to possess a minimum of a Bachelor's degree in science or engineering, awarded by a university recognized by the UPSC.

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