Exam Prepare
Syllabus of NABARD 2022
General Awareness: Economy, and Insurance, National and International News Latest Developments, Current Affairs related to Banking, Awards Honors Sports New schemes,
Computer Knowledge: Networking Input-output devices, MS Office Internet, DBMS, History of computer & generations Shortcut Keys.
Quantitative Aptitude: Approximation Data Interpretations, Number Series Simplification, Questions Mathematical Inequalities, Quadratic Equations Arithmetic, Data Sufficiency Quantity Comparisons.
English Language: Cloze test Para Jumbles, Spotting the errors Sentence improvement, Reading Comprehension, Sentence rearrangement, Fill in the blanks, New pattern questions
Reasoning Ability: Syllogism Inequality, Statement based questions, Data sufficiency, Input-Output Coding-Decoding, Seating arrangement, Blood relations Puzzles, Miscellaneous Questions, etc.
Exam Pattern NABARD 2021
The NABARD exam duration is one hour 20 minutes and will be conducted online. There are three sections of this exam and have 100 questions, each question has 1 marks. There is also negative marking in this exam, which means 0.25 marks deducted for the every wrong answer.
Phase I:
It is based on an online exam and is known as a Preliminary examination. The Phase I NABARD exam total marks for this question paper are 200, Subject wise question paper and marks are as follows.
There are 20 questions for the test of reasoning, 40 marks for the English language, 20 questions for computer knowledge, 20 questions for General Awareness, 20 questions for Quantitative Aptitude, 40 questions for Social and Economic Issues, 40 questions for Agriculture and Rural Development.
Phase II- Mains Examination
The Mains examination is divided into two phases.
Phase I
This phase is based on General English. This exam is divided into so many sections like writing skills, and the paper will have descriptive questions. The duration of this exam is 90 minutes, and there the total marks for this paper are 100.
Phase II
Phase II is divided into three sections one is Economic and Social Issues, the second is Rural and Agriculture Development for General Posts, and the third is Agriculture for those candidates who apply for the manager aptitude agriculture posts. The duration of this phase is also 90 minutes.
Phase III
This phase depends on multiple sections of legal services like Cyber Laws, Industrial, and Cooperative Laws, Banking negotiable Instruments, Commerce or Property transactions, Direct Financing, Rural non-life insurance, Staff matters, etc. The total marks of this phase are 100, and the time duration is 90 minutes.