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The CUSAT CAT application form will be released in the month of March 2022 through online mode.
Applicants must have to meet the eligibility criteria before to fill the application form for this entrance exam
It is advisable that applicants must have to enter correct information as appear in the 10th mark sheet
The application form must be fill before the due date
Ques: What is the application fee for international candidates?
Ans: The application fee for international applicants will be US$100.
Ques: How to apply for the CUSAT CAT 2022 exam?
Ans: Applicants can fill out their application form online mode.
Ques: Is CUSAT CAT is a government college?
Ans: CUSAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology) is a state government-owned university in Kochi.
Ques: How many participating colleges are under the CUSAT?
Ans: There is 29 participating institute under the CUSAT CAT.
Ques: Is the CUSAT exam good for MBA?
Ans: Yes, it is the best exam for those students who want to get admission to an MBA. It is the best institute in business administration and provides good placement for its students.
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