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If you're interested in applying for the AIC Recruitment, kindly ensure you meet all the necessary eligibility requirements. This includes fulfilling specific criteria related to your nationality, educational qualifications, and age. Once you check all these boxes.
No of Vacancy |
Unreserved | 13 |
OBC | 8 |
SC | 4 |
ST | 2 |
EWS | 3 |
Ques. Do you know the total number of job openings for AIC MT Recruitment in 2023?
Ans. The AIC MT Recruitment 2023 has announced the release of 40 vacancies for Management Trainee roles. Yes, you heard it right! 40 positions have opened up.
Ques. Can you tell me the age requirement for the AIC MT Recruitment 2023?
Ans. For the AIC MT Recruitment in 2023, you need to be between 21 and 30 years old. It's the appropriate age to apply.
Ques. What steps should I follow to register for AIC Recruitment 2023?...
Ans. We've got you covered! You can directly apply for AIC Recruitment 2023 by clicking on the link we've provided.
Ques. Can anyone tell me how much is the application fee for the AIC Recruitment 2023?
Ans. If you're applying for AIC Recruitment 2023 and come under the General category, your application fee will be a reasonable Rs. 1000/-
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