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Madhya Pradesh University | 1964

Top Courses & Fees

Courses  Duration of the course
Bachelor of Arts Three Years
Bachelor of Science Three Years
Bachelor of Commerce Three Years
Bachelor of Pharmacy Four Years
Bachelor of Computer Application  Three Years
B.P.Ed Three Years
B.Lib. Sc Three Years
B.Voc Three Years
BA LLB Five Years
B.Ed Two Years
MA Two Years
M.Sc Two Years
M.Com Two Years
M.LibSc One Year
M.P.Ed Two years
M.Ed Two Years
LLM Two Years
LLM Two Years
MBA Two Years
MSW Two Years
M.Phil Two Years
Diploma One Year
PG Diploma One Year
Certification One Year


Fee Structure of Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University:

Course Name First Year Fee Structure (Approx.)
Master of Arts Rupees 4,855
Bachelor of Pharma Rupees 25,000
Master of Business Administration Rupees 29,600
Bachelor of Physical Education Rupees 4,370
Master of Science Rupees 4,885
Bachelor of Arts plus LLB Rupees 14,675
M. Phil Rupees 17,050


Boys Hostels Auditorium Wi-Fi Labs Parking A/c Ambulance Tuck Shops AC Dining Hall Indoor/Outdoor games Yoga and Meditation
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