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A.S Mandal’s Arts and Commerce College, (ASMACC) Chennai

A.S Mandal’s Arts and Commerce College, (ASMACC) Chennai

Maharashtra, Nagpur Institute | 1993


A.S Mandal’s Arts and Commerce College is better known as Adhyapak Shikshan Mandal’s C.H.Chaudhari Arts, S.G, Patel Commerce and Babaji B.J. Patel Science College. The college is located in Taloda, Nandurbar, Maharashtra. A.S Mandal’s Arts and Commerce College is a private college which is affiliated under North Maharashtra University. This is a co-education Institute compromising of approximately 759 students and 33 faculties. A.S Mandal’s Arts and Commerce College has good facilities which include canteen, research laboratory, library and study centre. Apart from academics the Institute provides personality development classes, has sports facilities, swimming club etc.

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Library Boys Hostels A/c Ambulance Auditorium Wi-Fi Girls Hostel Play Ground Mess Labs ATM BUS Parking BIOMATRIC CHECKING SYSTEM Green Carpet Lawns Tuck Shops AC Dining Hall Indoor/Outdoor games Earn while you learn Yoga and Meditation Sports Laundry



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